Jenna joined the team in 2019, fresh out of the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Honours English Degree. She had to attend the (excruciatingly) long convocation to receive her degree, all the while wishing she was back in office! When asked what she most likes about her position as an editor at Matrix, she has trouble answering. “That’s because,” she says, “what ISN’T there to like? There is something new on my plate every day, with new challenges and lessons to be learned along with that. It also doesn’t hurt to be part of such a great team.”
Jenna is ready for whatever this job throws at her. Her interest has always been English literature, writing, and editing. She has been pursuing projects in the creative writing sphere almost her entire life and is incredibly happy to be exploring the technical aspects of writing and editing behind-the-scenes with this position.
“I am so excited to see where this opportunity takes me. Being able to work every day in a field that I want to be in, using my degree, is fantastic. Especially when every day is new and exciting!”
Our fantastic team of sales representatives is looking forward to connecting with you to determine how they can deliver the perfect customer to you. You want an audience, and our highly trained team can match you to it. With a targeted approach through our customized publication platforms, Matrix Group Publishing’s account executives can offer advertising solutions with the longevity and reach that will help you grab business from your competition and see a return on your investment.
There are so many media choices out there, and we’d love to have the chance to convince you why we’re the right fit for your company. Our sales team members call across North America on behalf of our collective publications to find the companies, products, and services that will complement each of our magazines and its readership. While our representatives are connecting with many people on any given day, they’re also personable and will go the extra mile to build trust and credibility with potential customers, developing and nurturing relationships with clients every step of the way.
From reaching out to a brand manager, director of marketing, or an ad agency to let them know about editorial that could be a perfect fit, to helping a client determine the best avenue based on their target and objectives of the brand, our team’s ingenuity and professional passion are part of the reason we have a steady stream of loyal advertisers who continue to support a publication issue after issue.
Our account executives are well-trained, understanding, and always learning. By continuously researching, monitoring, and measuring trends and changes in the various industries we publish magazines for, our team members stay on top of industry trends and are able to provide you with expert advice. Whether you’re looking to advertise in one of our print publications, on one of our websites, or by way of hyperlink in one of our interactive flip magazines, our team will work with you to determine the best advertising approach and to collect the artwork for each. Equipped with the right tools and knowledge, they’re ready to help you expand your reach, while providing smooth, seamless services from the moment you initially book your ad space to the moment we’re plating up for press.
Neil is everyone’s go-to-guy when there’s a question about sales and advertising. It makes sense – he has been with Matrix Group Publishing Inc. for nearly two decades and his experience shows in his handling of issues that inadvertently arise when working in sales.
But what Neil is really known for is his personality. His advertising clients love his cheery demeanor, his tendency to break into song, and his references to old-school music and current day sports highlights. The employees who work with him in the Winnipeg office enjoy these things too, but working with him in person has one added benefit – his inclination to add dance moves to the songs he’s singing.
All kidding aside, Neil is instrumental in the day-to-day operations of both the Winnipeg and Hamilton offices. He’s been with the company longer than almost every other employee, and in that time he has spoken with advertising clients in every single province in Canada and in every single state in the United States.
This, says Neil, is the best part of his job. “I absolutely love speaking to people across North America. I have clients that I’ve worked with for years; I know about their families, their travels, their hobbies. I love the fact that in an hour, I could chat with a rancher from Texas, a head-honcho from California, and a contractor from Ontario. And of course, I love bugging them all when their sports teams are losing to Winnipeg or Canadian teams!”
A long (LONG) time ago, Shannon walked out of the University of Regina with a Journalism Degree and straight into a job as editor for Matrix Group Publishing, Inc. It didn’t take long for her to earn top spot as Editor-in-Chief, a position she has held for over 20 years.
Shannon has helped get around 1,500 magazines to press. She has guided clients who are brand new to magazine publishing through the process, and she has built lasting relationships with her association contacts, many of whom have worked with Shannon for over a decade.
“I’ve seen all sides of it,” she says. “I have helped clients who came into the process knowing nothing about publishing a magazine, and now they are seasoned veterans. I have also worked with clients who have had horrible experiences with other publishers, and after working with Matrix, they now see that the creation of a magazine for their members can actually be quite fun and rewarding.”
After nearly two decades working in the industry, you might think the job would get boring. Not so, says Shannon. “Every day brings something different. In addition to editing articles and working with graphic designers on layouts, I am planning out production schedules – sometimes a year in advance – and am making sure that the entire production team and our clients are staying on track with deadlines. I’m managing websites and looking for articles to post as blogs for our own magazines (Canadian Mining Magazine, Western Built magazine, and Women Driving Change magazine), and I am working with industry partners on getting our line-up of magazines to various events across North America. Days rush by; there is never a dull moment.”
Julie has worked for Matrix Group Publishing for nearly three years. She started out on the sales team, where she fell in love with the industry, and has since moved into publishing. The valuable experience she gained on the sales floor enriched her with the tools necessary to support, encourage, and lead her teams whenever she launches a new magazine. She explains, “I thrive on digging into the industry and really understanding the current environment so everyone on the team knows exactly what we’re doing.” Julie instills the camaraderie and energy into her team to make the best magazine possible starting from the very first issue. She realizes every role in the company is important in making a magazine great.
“My favourite part of publishing is seeing our projects come through to fruition – starting from the very first phone call to seeing the completed, final product. Like with a new book, I love the feel and smell of a freshly printed magazine when it lands on my desk!” Julie believes very deeply in what she does and whenever there are glitches in the process, she says, “This is my baby and we have to get this right,” which ultimately, with the help of her team, happens! She takes her work to heart, and because of this, the end product is a reflection on her level of devotion to the project.
Julie’s favourite challenge is overcoming obstacles. Every job has unexpected circumstances and Julie loves to find creative means to get over those hurdles. She is fulfilled most when the President or Executive Director of an association calls her brimming with excitement about the magazine doing its job. “When I hear that the head of an association is getting calls from members saying how ecstatic they are with their new publication, and that it’s bringing new members to the association, I know my job has been done right. That’s what makes my smile brightest and helps me sleep well at night.”
Jessica has been with Matrix Group Publishing Inc. for more than a decade. She started on the phone, as a sales person, and has since transformed into a publishing force to be reckoned with. Rest assured, if Jessica is calling you about the possibility of creating a magazine for you, she has already done her research and believes it could be a success.
In fact, one of her favourite parts of the job is what others might call a necessary evil; the research. She explains, “My favourite part of publishing is the research we do on behalf of our clients and the many industries we serve across North America. When I reach out to an association, the research has already begun and even in the preliminary stages, I am already confident that this particular group could sustain a publication.”
One of Jessica’s favourite projects to date has been the creation of a bundled package for one of our existing clients, which includes magazine advertising, magazine profiles, and website advertising. “There are always new technologies emerging in the publishing sector, including digital publications, online buyers’ guides and e-newsletters,” she says. “Advertising has had to keep up with these trends, and creating this bundled package really assisted us in providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for our clients. We now handle magazine and web ads for them, which frees up their time for other association initiatives.”
One such initiative is growing membership, something that Matrix can help out with as well. Jessica points out that having our sales team make hundreds of calls a day to industry specific businesses goes a long way to getting an association’s name in front of potential members. “When our sales team makes calls on any given magazine, they are explaining that they’re calling on behalf of such and such association, they’re sending media kits that include the association’s logo, and they’re providing information that includes the association’s website, names of contacts, and mission statements. Our sales team is calling for advertising, but they’re inadvertently showcasing our association clients to businesses who are good candidates for membership, too.”
If you want to talk to someone who knows their stuff, you’ll want to track down Shoshana. She’s been with Matrix Group Publishing Inc. since day one! She has overseen accounts receivable, accounts payable, distribution, client relations…and, well, the list goes on. Did we mention she also has a B.A, an MBA, oh, and three teenagers to keep track of!
Now, as Operations Manager, Shoshana is still involved with all those areas previously noted, and she is working with sales and production too. While this means there are always a million balls being juggled, the truth is that she enjoys the busy days and all of the challenges that go along with her title.
What she most enjoys, though, is learning. “I really like learning about all the different industries we create magazines for,” she explains. “I like getting to know the people behind those industries, too – both the association clients and now our advertising clients as well.”
Client relations has always been one of Shoshana’s strong points. She credits this to years in the business and being part of a company that grew from small player to major publisher in a very short time. Of course, there were growing pains, she explains, “but with every obstacle we learned very valuable lessons that are now part of everyday operations. Our day-to-day activities run quite seamlessly and if something ever arises that is out of the ordinary, everyone knows their zone, and how to react quickly and efficiently to put things back on track. We have great people working for this company, and it shows.”
When asked what her favourite part of the job is, Allie’s answer made everyone laugh. “This is going to sound funny,” she explained, “but my favourite part of the job is actually the totally random, bizarre challenges that pop-up during production.” Not that those happen often, she reassures!
For example, when looking for Peru’s flag on a stock image site, Allie came across three different versions. She picked the one that best worked for the cover she was mocking up, and that was that. Until she decided to do a bit more research into the three-flag phenomenon. What she found showed she had picked Peru’s War Flag. Who knew there was even such a thing! An e-mail to Peru’s tourism bureau to clarify which flag she should use cleared up the problem…and ensured that our client didn’t inadvertently declare war on another country!
Allie has been an editor with Matrix Group Publishing Inc. for nearly a decade. In that time, she has worked with new and seasoned clients, has skillfully stepped in as Editor-in-Chief to cover a maternity leave, and throughout all the day-to-day tasks that magazine publishing brings, she is calm and easy to work with.
This even includes when Basin Bits, one of our largest magazines, is in production. Allie worked on the very first issue and has been instrumental in its growth. “Basin Bits was my very first magazine,” she recalls. “The first issue was 28 pages and the third issue was 136! It was such a challenge and huge undertaking to put together a magazine that was five times bigger than the first issue. To see it all come together and flip through the pages when it came back from press was such a huge accomplishment and I still remember that feeling a decade later!”
Magazines are great at providing in-depth content that really dives into the topics you care about. However, if you’re interested in reaching your members more often, an electronic newsletter, in conjunction with your print magazine(s), is a great option. Newsletters tend to include smaller bits of information, such as a short greeting from your president, a few member profiles, and a calendar of upcoming events.
The use of e-mail-driven marketing is growing and can’t be ignored. A successful e-mail marketing campaign can raise awareness about your business and keep you in the minds of current and potential members, industry partners, and government officials who make decisions about your sector. After each issue is printed, we can e-blast your contact list to let them know it’s available on your website, and in that e-blast we can include details on upcoming events, membership benefits… basically, whatever you think is important!
Web Advertisements
Your website is your gateway to your organization; it’s likely the first place people look when they want to learn more about your focus and activities. Selling advertising on your site to companies who want to do business with your members is a great way to generate revenue. The problem is, it can be extremely time consuming.
Our sales team is already reaching out to companies that want to do business in your sector, so why not let us take this tedious task off your plate? Your time is freed up for your other tasks, and your association will benefit from a share of the revenue generated.
It can be confusing for potential advertisers when several different companies are all calling on behalf of the same organization. This is why we’re always eager to bundle our services, creating a unique package that allows one point of contact from our company to offer magazine, newsletter, e-blast, and website advertising (or a combination of these).
Our team handles the calls, the questions, the collection of artwork – everything! Make sure to ask how your organization can profit from this arrangement.
New technologies make it easy to read magazines online and with all platforms (computer, tablet, smartphone). As each issue of your publication goes to press, we can provide you with both a PDF and a link to an interactive flip version where all web and e-mail addresses are hyperlinked (to your conference registration page, for example). In addition, advertisers can choose to have their artwork link to their own websites, making it easy for readers to connect with advertisers and their products and services.
Readers can flip between pages, zoom, search, and share with their connections on social media. Many of our clients choose to post both the interactive flip version and a PDF version, giving their members options in how they consume the digital content.
Collections for advertising sales are a necessary and time-consuming process. Matrix Group Publishing Inc. provides this service and always ensures that the collections team is well-trained, sensitive, patient, and understanding. We employ full-time in-house team members who are dedicated to this process.
We weren’t kidding when we said you wouldn’t have to lift another finger. We handle all contact with the mailing house and the post office. We can send one copy to each of your members, a bulk shipment to your association’s office, and another bulk shipment to an upcoming conference venue. We handle every single mailing aspect. You provide the mailing list and shipping details, and we’ll take it from there!
The advertisements are booked, the articles are written, and the magazine is designed – now it’s time to print. The best part is, you don’t have to do a thing! Once you sign-off on the magazine’s proof, you don’t lift another finger. The Matrix team will ensure your publication meets the highest possible standards created with the latest technologies.
Matrix Group Publishing Inc. employs one of the best design teams around! They never fail to create something fresh, modern, and completely suited to your association and membership’s style. Like a larger font? No problem. Interested in displaying lots of photos? Of course! Captivated by bold headlines? We’re on it! Our design team will transform your vision into a tangible product that your members will be excited to read every time your publication reaches their mailbox.
Even better is that Matrix’s editorial team will act as the liaison between you and the designer to create a product that everyone will be proud of. Your editor is your main point of contact and will communicate your design choices to the team member who is building your publication to ensure things flow smoothly from concept through design to the final printed product.
Matrix Group Publishing Inc.’s editorial team is ready to bring your association’s stories to life. You can be 100 per cent involved in the creation or you can let us take care of everything. If your commitment falls somewhere in between, that’s okay too. You will be assigned your very own editor who will work with you to plan themes and decide who is taking care of which tasks, who will edit all content, and who will work with the designer to put everything together. Whether you are hands-on or hands-off, the final product will be a professional showcase piece for your organization.
Our editorial team has been responsible for getting thousands of magazines to press over the years. They do this by creating a schedule of tasks months in advance and working with clients to stay on track, while also being mindful of the client’s other responsibilities. Most magazines are scheduled around an association’s major events and we are proud to say that never, in the history of Matrix Group Publishing Inc., has a magazine come out too late to meet a pre-determined target. Stellar communication and a team that truly knows their stuff keeps everything on schedule, every time!
Our highly trained sales representatives will call across North America and around the world on behalf of your publication. And then, once advertisers book their space, our sales team will get in all the artwork, too! A common concern we often hear is, “What if an advertiser isn’t a fit for our publication?” Rest assured, our sales team is trained to find companies that are appropriate and that make sense in your publication.