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Shannon Savory Editor-in-Chief

A long (LONG) time ago, Shannon walked out of the University of Regina with a Journalism Degree and straight into a job as editor for Matrix Group Publishing, Inc. It didn’t take long for her to earn top spot as Editor-in-Chief, a position she has held for over 17 years.

Shannon has helped get around 1,000 magazines to press. She has guided clients who are brand new to magazine publishing through the process, and she has built lasting relationships with her association contacts, many of whom have worked with Shannon for over a decade.

“I’ve seen all sides of it,” she says. “I have helped clients who came into the process knowing nothing about publishing a magazine, and now they are seasoned veterans. I have also worked with clients who have had horrible experiences with other publishers, and after working with Matrix, they now see that the creation of a magazine for their members can actually be quite fun and rewarding.”

After nearly two decades working in the industry, you might think the job would get boring. Not so, says Shannon. “Every day brings something different. In addition to editing articles and working with graphic designers on layouts, I am planning out production schedules – sometimes a year in advance – and am making sure that the entire production team and our clients are staying on track with deadlines. I’m managing websites and looking for articles to post as blogs for our own magazines (Canadian Mining Magazine and Western Exteriors), and I am working with industry partners on getting our line-up of magazines to various events across North America. Days rush by; there is never a dull moment.”