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Jenna Collignon Editor

Jenna joined the team in 2019, fresh out of the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Honours English Degree. She had to attend the (excruciatingly) long convocation to receive her degree, all the while wishing she was back in office! When asked what she most likes about her position as an editor at Matrix, she has trouble answering. “That’s because,” she says, “what ISN’T there to like? There is something new on my plate every day, with new challenges and lessons to be learned along with that. It also doesn’t hurt to be part of such a great team.”

Jenna is ready for whatever this job throws at her. Her interest has always been English literature, writing, and editing. She has been pursuing projects in the creative writing sphere almost her entire life and is incredibly happy to be exploring the technical aspects of writing and editing behind-the-scenes with this position.

“I am so excited to see where this opportunity takes me. Being able to work every day in a field that I want to be in, using my degree, is fantastic. Especially when every day is new and exciting!”